Friday, February 27, 2009

Thing 8: Communication Web 2.0 Style

I have experience with IM-ing, text-messages, and web conferencing in personal, educational, and professional situations. As with almost all Web 2.0 technologies, these tools can be fantastic when used appropriately in situations that really necessitate advanced "things".

Chat resources, as well as online conferencing resources that lack sound, can be a great way to overcome limitations of physical space or proximity. And the immediacy is often a big help. I made a point to note online conferencing without sound because it is quite different from online conferencing with sound. The added layer of audio can frequently make a big difference in keeping attendees engaged and simply getting your point across. I am a fan of web conferencing; chatting and text messaging, however, have a particular negative aspect of which I am not a fan.

Where web conferencing strives to simulate conversations, meetings, and other "lengthy" interactions, chatting and text-messaging imply immediacy through interaction on (perceived) lower level. I am not taking issue (at the moment!) with the bad grammar and other various butchering of the written word; I am concerned with the focus on immediacy and speed, which is quite often a reason behind bad spelling, etc. The perceived level of interaction for most users is at a lower level than normal - body language, eye contact, etc are all absent. Yes, this can actually be liberating for some patrons; but it (immediate, informal, inconsequential interaction) also heightens impatience exponentially. If a patron cannot have an answer immediately, they sometimes do not want it all. The next day?; in an hour?; I have to check? - but I am IM-ing you, I want the answer back as fast as I can ask the question!

These "things" have their place - we just need to be aware of the cultural norms and expectationas surrounding these "things" in addition to knowing of them and how to use them.

1 comment:

  1. Just commenting on various blogs as part of our learning experience.


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